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导读 在当今全球化的社会中,掌握一门外语变得越来越重要,尤其是英语。一份优秀的英语自我介绍不仅能够帮助你留下良好的第一印象,还能让你在各...



Hello everyone,

My name is Zhang Hua, and I am from Beijing, China. I have recently graduated from Peking University with a degree in Computer Science. During my studies, I was actively involved in various projects that helped me develop strong technical skills as well as teamwork abilities. In my free time, I enjoy reading books on technology trends and participating in hackathons to keep myself updated with the latest developments in the tech world.

I am excited about this opportunity to join your team and contribute my knowledge and passion for technology. Thank you for giving me the chance to introduce myself.


1. 开头与结尾:用简洁明了的语言开始你的自我介绍,结尾时可以表达你对加入团队的期待。

2. 个人信息:包括姓名、来自哪里以及你的教育背景。

3. 技能展示:强调与职位相关的技能和经验。

4. 个人兴趣:简短提及一些与工作相关的个人爱好或兴趣。

5. 积极态度:保持语气积极向上,展现你对未来工作的热情和期待。

